Friday, September 26, 2014

Bed Rest.

The title says it all. 

"Hah?Bed rest?" 

Iya masbro, mbaksis. Bed rest. Ceritanya saya sedang menjalani hukuman (yang sebenarnya lebih terasa seperti liburan --psst.. jangan bilang-bilang bos saya ya) yang bernama bed rest ini.

Be careful what you wish for. Kenapa? Karena wish yang kita punya bisa saja dikabulkan, tapi dengan bentuk yang 'sedikit' berbeda dengan  apa yang kita bayangkan. Contohnya apa yang baru saja saya katakan di awal minggu ini. 

"Ah, udah lama ya nggak tidur siang, goler-goler di kasur kayak waktu jaman kuliah dan SMA." 
"Kalau bisa liburan seminggu enak kali ya.."
Kalimat-kalimat yang keluar begitu saja dari mulut saya saat ngantuk sehabis makan siang di kantor, di hari Selasa.

Mulutmu, harimaumu, dek Janet. Ketika Tuhan berkata (dengan nada sedikit nge-rap..) "Kamu akan gabut di kantor lalu sepulang kantor kamu akan mendapatkan wahyu berupa sifat rajin yang sudah lama tidak kamu miliki lalu kamu akan bersih-bersih dan nyapu ngepel seluruh kamar kos yang bentuknya sudah hina dan tidak terurus itu kemudian kamu akan bersin-bersin yang akan berubah menjadi flu yang kemudian berubah menjadi demam dan sakit tenggorokan yang akan kamu derita semalaman!", WALLA! (Maksudnya voila) terjadilah yang Ia kehendaki padaku.

Selasa malam, saya pun demam dan tenggorokan saya atit ali. Sakit sekali.
Rabu pagi, dengan kepala yang masih berat dan tubuh yang terasa melayang-layang, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke sebuah rumah sakit di Jakarta, minta izin nggak masuk kantor. Nggak tanggung-tanggung, saya datang ke dokter Internis (Spesialis Penyakit Dalam). Kenapa? Karena itu dokter langganan om dan tante saya yang katanya bagus. Percayalah saya tadinya mau ke dokter umum saja karena merasa agak terlalu lebay kalau baru demam sehari langsung datang ke internis. Tapi ya sudahlah, tidak ada salahnya, saya pikir.

Mengambil nomor antrian yang ternyata nomor satu (Hore!) karena datang kepagian, ternyata merupakan hak prerogatif dokter untuk datang kapan saja. Saya datang jam 9 pagi, dokternya datang hampir jam 11. Mati gaya, tapi untung nggak mati beneran.
Melihat sekeliling saya yang mulai ramai (bapak-bapak paruh baya, ibu-ibu menggunakan kursi roda, dan sebagainya) entah kenapa saya merasakan tatapan yang agak sinis dari sekeliling saya. Mungkin nurani mereka berkata "Ini anak bau kencur, kayanya sehat-sehat aja ngapain ngantri spesialis penyakit dalam segala?" dalam hati saya malah sedikit berdoa "semoga nggak sia-sia saya datang ke internis, kalau nggak saya cuma ngelama-lamain antrian aja sama bakar duit sendiri"

Tidak lama kemudian. akhirnya dokternya datang juga. Setelah lama-lama mendapat tatapan sinis dari sesama pasien yang antri (nggak deng) saya masuk, diperiksa dan diwawancara sebentar oleh dokter yang semoga saja mahatahu akan penyakit apa yang saya derita, dan coba tebak dokternya bilang apa? 

"Kalau baru demam sehari sih belum berarti ya. Coba dicek darahnya terlebih dahulu di lab, nanti setelah hasilnya keluar kembali lagi ke sini." 

Lalu dengan rasa bersalah dan muka memelas, saya berkata "Maaf ya udah buang-buang waktu dokter.."
Nggak lah. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih, melangkah keluar dan melakukan cek darah di lab seperti yang dianjurkan. Apa rasanya diambil darahnya menggunakan jarum suntik? Unpleasant. Tapi ya apa boleh buat, saya harus membuktikan bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah di dalam tubuh saya ini, mempertanggungjawabkan 2 hal yang pertama kali muncul di pikiran saya: Yang pertama, izin nggak masuk kantor. Rasanya agak sia-sia kan kalau nggak masuk kantor untuk pergi ke dokter tapi ternyata nggak sakit apa-apa? Berhubung saya masih anak baru dan belum punya jatah cuti (nah jadi curhat) it's a big no untuk terlalu banyak izin nggak masuk kantor. 
Jadi, kalau sudah izin nggak masuk kantor tapi ternyata nggak sakit apa-apa, bagaimana? Coba dipikirkan sendiri.
Yang kedua adalah tatapan-tatapan judging dari sesama pasien yang mengantri tadi. Nggak mau kan, dianggap cuma 'menuh-menuhin antrian aja'. Memang sih, saya nggak teriak "Hey, saya antrian nomor satu loh! Lalala yeyeye~" sambil joget ngeledek. Basically itu beban moral yang terjadi di pikiran saya saja waktu itu.

Satu bakwan jagung dan satu tahu isi habis dilahap, serta satu jam pun berlalu. Saya kembali ke laboratorium rumah sakit untuk mengambil hasil cek darah yang dinanti-nanti. Saya buka amplopnya, mencoba membaca arti angka-angka yang ada di kertas tersebut. Nggak ngerti.
Menyerah, saya kembali ke dokter penyakit dalam yang mahatahu (disingkat menjadi DPDYM).

Percakapan di jumpa kedua saya dengan DPDYM:
DPDYM: "Ya, ini hasil cek darahnya semua normal ya. Trombositnya agak rendah, tapi leukosit dan hemoglobinnya semua masih normal"
Saya: *angguk-angguk lega sambil mikir 'oh jadi gue ga sakit apa-apa dong ya'*
DPDYM: "Tapi...." *dengan jeda dramatis*
Saya: *tahan napas*
DPDYM: *membuka lembaran kedua hasil cek darah (saya nggak sadar hasilnya terdiri dari dua lembar)* "Tapi dilihat di sini kamu sudah kena Typhus ya.. " *kemudian memberi sedikit penjelasan mengenai Typhus, memberi titah untuk saya agar bed rest selama 3 hari, dan menulis resep obat*

Terdiagnosis lah saya memiliki penyakit Typhus. Dengan rasa bersyukur karena saya tidak perlu diopname (apalagi diinfus), saya melangkah keluar ruang dokter tersebut dengan hati gembira. 

Hari Sabtu ini saya masih harus cek darah yang kedua kalinya, semoga keadaan saya sudah membaik.


Jadi sekali lagi, be careful what you wish for, dan kalau wish yang anda miliki terkabul namun tidak benar-benar sesuai dengan apa yang anda inginkan, hey, mungkin itu sesuatu yang sebenarnya anda butuhkan.

Seperti saya. Sakit sih, bed rest sih, tapi ya disyukuri saja. Kadang memang harus ada sesuatu yang kita korbankan untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan. 

Para pembaca, jaga kesehatan ya. Jangan gara-gara tulisan saya ini terbentuk gerakan 'Saya ingin sakit supaya bisa libur'.
Liburan yang menyenangkan ya saat benar-benar waktunya liburan dong.
Semoga next time benar-benar punya kesempatan untuk berlibur ya~ #tetep


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Moments (Part 2)


Just wondering.

People meet people, and when there's a meeting there's a farewell. There are times when we once become the closest individuals with certain people. But when it's time, you would suddenly see yourself becoming the most distant stranger to them and it all happens just too fast. 

Moments become memories and time just keeps racing as fast as it could just for the sake of it. We continue with life.

But neither you nor i know how many moments we have with whoever people we meet in life, so there's this slightest chance you would come across each other again with the people you once had so many good memories with. Good and bad.

Regardless of how much time has flown, or how bad the situation was which has made both of you drift away from each other, you would first remember at least the tiniest bit of your good memories with these people.
You would secretly play the scenes in your head, wondering if the other person thinks about it too, or at least remembers it when they finally meet you again.

Would they do the exact same thing?

Just wondering.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan. Bertanya online, sesat di mana?

Reading time: 5-10 minutes

"Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan."

Apa kabar para pembaca? 

Sebaiknya saya memulai posting ini dengan pertanyaan, supaya saya tidak tersesat di jalan #apasih. Awalnya, saat nongkrong gaul beberapa saat lalu di sebuah tempat eksklusif yang sering kita sebut toilet, saya sedang berpikir kira-kira apa topik yang menarik untuk dibahas di blog yang isinya semacam gado-gado ini. Bak blogger profesional, saya mulai deh berpikir topik-topik yang kira-kira memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap peradaban manusia. Nggak ketemu. 

Sebelum pikiran saya ke-distract (fyi, saya tipe orang yang memiliki state of mind yang selalu berloncatan ke sana kemari. Idenya banyak, terus hilang fokus, lupa deh.) tiba-tiba saya teringat dengan salah satu situs yang sepertinya akhir-akhir ini sering saya lihat di news feed Facebook dan Twitter. Apakah itu? Situs tersebut adalah

1. (

Untuk yang belum tau, nih sedikit mengenai adalah sebuah situs social media di mana aktivitas utama yang dapat dilakukan sangat simple, yaitu bertanya. Situs ini menyediakan fitur agar kita bisa bertanya secara publik pada orang-orang yang juga punya akun di, begitupun sebaliknya. Jadi kegiatan kita di situs tersebut ya saling bertanya dan menjawab aja. Kita juga bisa jadi anonim dalam melontarkan pertanyaan, mungkin tujuannya supaya kita tidak malu-malu bertanya lagi.

Dengan kesederhanaannya itu, saya jadi ikutan bertanya-tanya. Kenapa situs ini cukup populer ya di Indonesia? Well, memang nggak sepopuler Facebook dan Twitter yang penggunaannya sudah hampir mengalahkan kegiatan bernapas, tapi setelah saya search di Google, jumlah penggunanya, tebak berapa? 112 juta orang.

Sekilas info, sebenarnya sebelum ada ini, ada situs pendahulunya yang kurang lebih fungsinya sama, yaitu Mengikuti naluri remaja saya (dulu saya mencoba menggunakannya saat berusia 15-16 tahun), saya mencoba menggunakan situs ini. Ternyata, bertanya dan menjawab itu cukup menyenangkan, dan membuat cukup ketagihan. Situs dan ini juga punya fitur random question kalau kita sedang mood untuk menjawab segala macam pertanyaan, seperti "What is your biggest weakness?" atau "What three things do you think of most each day?". Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang membuat kita berpikir, tapi membuat kita senang saat bisa menjawabnya dengan baik.

Sepertinya situs ini cukup populer karena manusia pada dasarnya punya keingintahuan yang besar terhadap orang lain. Karena itu salah satu cara menyalurkannya (menyalurkan kekepoan anda) adalah dengan bertanya. Sebetulnya positifnya situs ini bisa digunakan untuk saling bertukar saran dan pendapat, tapi sayangnya banyak sekali penyalahgunaan fitur Anonim (mentang-mentang nggak ketahuan siapa yang nanya), sehingga juga banyak pertanyaan yang... seenak jidat.

Overall, menurut saya terlepas dari keunikannya, situs ini cocok digunakan saat senggang atau bosan saja, sih. No offense untuk yang ngefans dan aktif di situs ini, ya.

2. Yahoo! Answers (

Nah... Gara-gara, saya jadi ingat masa-masa ketika saya masih alay (jangan ketawa, saya tahu anda juga pernah alay). Tapi jangan salah, di masa ke-alay-an saya itu saya belajar banyak mengenai internet. Salah satunya, Yahoo! Answers ini. Berbeda dengan dan sejenisnya, Yahoo! Answers adalah semacam forum tanya-jawab yang dibuat oleh Yahoo! (yaiyalah) supaya penggunanya bisa berbagi informasi berguna. Forum ini dibagi menjadi topik-topik tertentu, dari pendidikan, hiburan, teknologi, sampai curhat-curhat lucu. 

Niat dari pembuatan situs ini sangatlah mulia, dan sepertinya dulu Yahoo! Answers sempat berjaya. Saya dulu cukup sering bertanya di forum ini apabila ada pelajaran sekolah yang tidak saya mengerti #pencitraan. Sekarang layanan Yahoo! Answers ini sudah tidak kedengaran lagi. Bener nggak? Jangan-jangan cuma saya yang tahu soal situs ini.

pertanyaan nggak penting yang sering ditemui di Yahoo! Answers. sumpah, ini bukan saya.
contoh lainnya. cari di Google, ada banyak.

3. Quora

Pernah dengar mengenai Quora? Kalau belum, you really need to check it out.
Quora adalah situs forum tanya-jawab yang punya kredibilitas sangat baik. Dengan taglinenya, "Your best source of knowledge", situs ini menjadi wadah untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan dan pendapat pribadi mengenai suatu topik. Apa bedanya dengan Yahoo! Answers? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di Quora adalah pertanyaan yang lebih berbobot dan kontennya dikelola dengan sangat baik oleh komunitas penggunanya. sehingga apabila kita hanya browsing-browsing iseng pun di Quora, kita bisa menemukan informasi atau pengetahuan yang berguna. Quora sudah pernah difiturkan di dalam artikel yang dipublikasikan pada The New York Times, USA Today, TIME, dan The Daily Telegraph UK.
Jujur saja saya belum terlalu banyak mengeksplor situs ini. Tapi, from what I've found so far, this website is one of cool websites you'd rather spend your time on.
Kalau penasaran, langsung aja cek di sini, Most Viewed Quora Questions.


Situs-situs di atas punya satu karakteristik yang sama, fungsi dasarnya adalah melestarikan budaya bertanya dan berbagi pengetahuan. Tentunya sama seperti situs-situs lainnya, ada pro dan kontra dalam penggunaannya. Banyak yang bilang sarana-sarana seperti ini membuat kita menjadi malas (karena sedikit-sedikit nanya), meningkatkan risiko kejahatan secara online, dan sebagainya.
Ingat, nggak semua hal yang ada di internet itu benar, jadi jangan mudah percaya dengan informasi yang dipublish di internet (tiba-tiba teringat hot-hotnya topik mengenai black campaign).
As cliche as it always sounds, yuk gunakan sarana-sarana yang super canggih ini dengan lebih bijak. Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan situs-situs ini sebagai sarana membully orang lain, spamming, flaming, melakukan penipuan, dan sebagainya. 
Demi keamanan kita sendiri, sebaiknya jangan sembarangan mempublikasikan informasi pribadi, karena juga dapat disalahgunakan orang lain.

Oke deh, sekian dulu posting saya kali ini. Ada pendapat mengenai situs-situs di atas atau mengenai tanya-jawab online? Ditunggu komentarnya :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The 4D Phases of Your Reaction Towards Unwanted Changes

Reading time: 3-5 minutes

How do you actually react to those unwanted changes you have in life?

Here's what I think would be the phases that you go through once the almighty unwanted changes are right at your doorstep.
Disclaimer: This post is purely based on my personal opinions.

1. Denial

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Denial? No it is not. Everything is fine, everything is gonna be fixed like how they've always been. Well you know thesedays this kind of problem isn't that simple anymore, right? There must be something missing here and I need to find it. Everything's actually fine."

No, it is not. You know something is bothering you, but you're either too afraid to deal with it, or you just haven't fully realized that something is changing, and that change is not something you favor.

2. Disorientation

"What am I doing? Did I do this wrong? Did I do anything wrong at all? What should I focus on? Why is this not working? Wait.. what?"
When a change happens, and it has started bothering you even more, everything is a distraction. You can't focus. You're somehow reacting to this change more spontaneously with all the defense you have at the moment. And when you have done all you can and it's not working well, you finally realize that this is really happening. Moving on to the next phase.

3. Depression

" I don't know what to do anymore. I have tried everything. I never expected this. I shouldn't have done that. I cannot deal with this anymore. What should I do to make this right? Why is everything different now?"
This is usually the phase where you're letting all of your feelings out towards the unwanted change. You know that this is really happening. It's absorbing all of your positive energy all at once. One or two things might happen, like self-blaming, or letting your angst out on others. You desperately want to stop that change but you're running out of time, energy, and ideas. What's the worst thing that can happen? If you cannot go through this phase easily (usually it's not because you can't, you just don't want to. It's so comfortable being all gloomy and diving into the depth of your agony. Right?) you will, yes you will, ruin yourself even more.

4. Dealing with it

"Okay, I got it. I did the right things, and I also did the wrong things. I have probably done my best, but change is inevitable. I have to embrace the NOW, and I know everything's always gonna change eventually. By that time, I should be ready for it. I should be ready to accept every single change that will happen in my life."
There you have it. Once you're ready to accept that change, and not to just accept it, but also to embrace it, you'll become more positive towards others and yourself. Everything really happens for a reason, or many reasons. One time it doesn't make you feel good, and another time it makes you feel damn good. Fair enough?

These phases of reaction are always there, and the length of each phase varies. You can choose to be in denial forever, or let yourself burn in anger, or try a more positive approach.

Here's the ugly truth.
You will go through these phases again, and again, and again. It never stops.
But the more you've gone through it, the stronger you have become, supposedly.

And it depends on how much you love your life. It is YOUR life after all, not anyone else's.

This is what I want to believe.
How about you?

Be kind to one another. See ya in my next post.

Friday, April 18, 2014

What are YOU gonna do after graduation?

Reading time: 5-7 minutes


"Are you planning to take master's degree afterwards?"
"How are you? Have you got a job yet?"
"Do you think I should go for the Master's degree scholarship or should I find a job instead?"

.. and so on, and so on.

Those questions above are every year's questions of the year for fresh graduates. I believe all of my friends who are graduating (or have just graduated) have got these questions asked to them a zillion times. They come from your friends, parents, relatives (you know, the countless aunts and uncles, the older cousins) or your mom's friends.. and even neighbours! Suddenly your graduation, your future, has become everyone's number one concern.

So, how do you react to them?

Do you become as excited about the 'life-after-graduation' as they do? Are you becoming afraid of stepping into the real world? Or instead, do you get so annoyed that you use "We'll see" as an answer template?

Honestly, I was contemplating on what I want to do with my life after graduation, or at least after I have finished my thesis defense. I surely have learned a lot from the thesis writing process, yet I did not have the time to focus on what's next while I was writing my thesis. Most of the time I'm a person who is spontaneous and impulsive at times, which does not help when it comes to long-term life planning.

Based on this struggle, I have since then asked a lot of people I know the very same questions: to my friends, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, anyone I could ask, to get their opinions on this matter. Now, although I still find these questions rather daunting, I know there are several things every fresh graduate can do after they have finished their study. So, if you are a fresh graduate, you might want to consider some of these options worth-considering that I have compiled.

1. First, you can find a job. It's very easy, right?

Now before you stop reading, let me make this clear. Finding a job is easy, there are tons of jobs that you can get, and there are also companies who would hire you just because they need people to work for them. 

So finding a job is actually easy, but finding a job that fits you is hard. Chances are, it's even harder because you don't know what you really want, YET. That's why after applying for some random jobs, none of them gave you a satisfying result. 

My dad told me that back in his days, applying for jobs was A LOT harder. They had to write their own CV and application letter with their hands, and the companies were also harder to approach because there was no internet at the time (they had to buy the newspapers and look for job vacancies there), and the companies did not pass any company brochures or came to any job fair. Job fair did not even exist back then. So he said "becoming jobless for around 6 months is totally normal because it takes time to find a job you want".

"Six months? Are you crazy? All of my friends would have got a job if I waited that long!" You might think. But not like in old days, our life is much easier now. We have internet to find almost anything, and the companies actively reach out to the students as early as on their first semester of college. It doesn't need to take 6 months to actually get a job. But we could probably use the time to understand what we want to do.

I would rather think carefully before I land my first job than getting the job I don't really want ASAP just because of, you know, peer pressure. Do you agree?

Don't take any job that you're not sure of. Take your time.

2. Take A Master's Degree (or a Diploma, or any other degree you want)

There are a lot of reasons why you should take a Master's degree right after you get your Bachelor's degree. You probably want to pursue a scholarship opportunity to study abroad (which would probably not come twice), or maybe you are already sure of what you want to study.

I have friends who are still doubtful about whether she/he's going to take a Master's degree directly or get a job experience first. Nowadays, we all try to solve our problems by Googling it. But if you searched about this so-called-dilemma, you would find too many of pros and cons about getting a Master's degree.

If you are one of those who are having this dilemma, I don't have a good answer to solve your problem, but I'll share my opinion with you. If you ask me whether I want to take a Master's degree, I would say "Yes, I want to". But am I taking it right after I graduate? No. Because first, I am not sure enough of the major for my Master's degree. Therefore, I have decided to get a job first, and when I am sure that I want to build a career in a certain field, I will pursue my Master's Degree. This way, I am taking the major I want with more confidence. I also have several personal considerations which have led me to that decision. How about you? It is your call.

Do not use the articles you find on the internet as your guide. They are made by people, and different people have different kinds of opinion because they have their own circumstances. You may use them as references, as some of them are telling their facts, but most of them are purely subjective opinions based on their own experiences. Make a decision based on your circumstances and your own considerations. 

3. Do Cool Internships!

This could be a choice if you felt like you need more working experience before getting a real job. Internships could even get you a full-time job afterwards, because you get to be evaluated for your performance, not only from your short resume and a 15-minute interview. You may have graduated, but getting an internship to warm you up before landing a job would not hurt. Instead, it could give you time to build your strategy and preparation to get the job that you aim for.
Good luck!

4. Make your own awesome thing.

I also have friends who are passionate to become an entrepreneur. Most of my friends are coming from Computer Science major, so there are a lot of them who are planning to build an IT start up after they graduate. I find them to be very passionate and independent. I also know some who have great values for their own start-ups. The thing is, their ultimate goal is not to become successful. Their goal is to become useful, to make something that creates huge positive impact to people.

It's amazing how you can build something with values you don't only keep. I think that's an example of trusting your own values, living them, and making them happen.
Do you have values and dreams that you wish to come to life? Entrepreneurship might be the right choice for you.

5. Become the super housewife!

Hey, I'm not kidding. This probably works for the ladies. If you feel like you want to be the ultimate, best housewife in the world and you are supported by your parents and your future husband, why not jump directly into practice? You will have plenty of time to master your skills in cooking, taking care of households, and later, if you have kids, you are going to be the full time mom every child wishes they had. What is more, instead of working from 9-5, you can start your own home business. What could be more exciting than being able to arrange your own working hours and spend plenty of quality time with your kids?

There are a lot of things you could do after you graduate, and when it comes to making the decision, you sure could have a lot of fears to overcome. To answer that, I will quote what Mahatma Gandhi said.
"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes".
We will ALWAYS make mistakes no matter which path we take, but letting those mistakes bring you down is only one of the life choices you can take.

This is dedicated to all fresh graduates. May your next life stages be blessed.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Few Life Lessons I've Got from Writing Thesis

Reading time: 5 minutes

For the last 2 weeks me and my fellow thesis fighters were trying to finish our thesis. And so we submitted our thesis 2 days ago. Finally!

I wanted to tell you all the details of how we survived the wrath of thesis (technically, not yet because I haven't gone through my thesis defense, but i think thesis submission counts as one phase of "The Wrath of Thesis"). But then I figured that it would be a lot more interesting if I also share the life lessons I got from this 6-month torture process of thesis writing.

 Just so you know, the life lessons I have got are worth it.

1. Setting a clear goal

My thesis would have been messed up if we (me and my thesis group) did not have any clear goal apart of getting our thesis done. We aimed to create a useful application, to learn as much as we could in the process, and to give our all until the thesis defense day comes. We have made a lot of decisions based on that goal, like deciding our thesis topic and choosing the lecturer who gives us guidance, as a start. Without that clear goal we would have got  lost in the process.

I realize that it works the same way in life. When you're not sure what you're fighting for and why you're doing what you're doing, you would not be able to do it right. Don't do it at all if you don't mean it.

2. Taking challenges one step at a time

In writing thesis, you are required to have the eye for details, even if you really don't. That's what happened to me. It seems that there's always gonna be another mistake or misplacement and another numbers of imperfection. I have to face so many challenges that sometimes I feel overwhelmed. 

But that's life too. You will never get rid of all problems. Life is not problem-free (here i am stating the obvious). What we can do instead is facing all of them patiently. Don't be afraid to take the steps. 
I have come to a realize that getting started is often the hardest part, but when we decide to just deal with it and start working, it will make us feel a lot better because we can see the progress we have. That content feeling drives us to continue with our work and perform better.

3. Staying out of unnecessary rage

Frustration would get its grip on me when things don't happen as I expected, or when I couldn't get an approval I had thought I deserved (yes, I am talking about bunch of revisions here).
In life we would be tempted to complain and complain whenever we don't get the things we want to get. Believe me (and believe yourself), you'll get there. What would make it harder for you to get what you want is unnecessary amount of rage and complaints. It really does nothing but getting in your way of achieving your goals.

4. Small things matter

Let me tell you, the process of writing thesis has really taught me a lot about life. In my post last month,  I have discussed about how small things matter but we don't have to sweat over every small stuff. In this particular case (i mean writing thesis), it clearly shows how small things really matter. 
I watched a group's thesis defense a few days ago, and it was hard to watch because they did not pay attention on small things they should know, as simple as the background of their work.

Same thing goes with your life. How can you create big things if you cannot even prove that you can handle the small things?
If we don't really care about small things and decide to just leave them there, it means we're not ready to take over the big stuff. Don't even try. Everything starts small, and when it turns big, it doesn't leave the small things behind to keep growing.

5. Team work

While this "thesis team" thing doesn't make sense to a lot of other universities and faculties (Some have said that working on thesis in a team just makes it a lot worse and harder), it's also something that i am actually grateful for. Writing thesis in a team has taught me about the importance of team work. Another obvious statement, right? But it's a lot trickier than it sounds. I have seen some friendships and relationships end during team thesis writing, and I am not joking. Maintaining relationships under the pressure of thesis are challenging.

Working in a team with 2 friends of mine has taught me a lot of things about myself. From one person, I learned about how a great learning habit is very positively impactful, from another I learned about how dealing with challenges is best done by getting started right away and staying focused. I'm sure it's no coincidence that I ended up being in the thesis team with them, why? Because these qualities are exactly the things I still need to improve.

Both of them also have different personalities from mine, and I learned to work by understanding how they work, so we can work together. The dynamic of a team is a life simulation. No matter what, we always have to deal with different kinds of people.

So, those are the 5 life lessons that I have got only from writing a thesis. How about you? Do you have your own ideas of how thesis writing changed your perspectives, or perhaps, changed your life?

Until next time.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's NOT my fault! (Or is it?)

Reading time: 3-5 minutes

"That is not my fault! You were the one who used it recently!"

"No, you were! Remember when you said you wanted to borrow it then I gave it to you?"

"Oh, come on, guys. Where's my scientific calculator? I need it NOW."

Sounds familiar?

Well it should be, more or less. There are times when we think that we're not at fault on something, because someone deserves the blame more than you do. And it's okay, knowing that all of us are human beings who don't like to be blamed even when it's really our fault.

Even apologizing is not an easy thing, don't you think? I find myself to be quite bad at apologizing when I completely accept that it is my fault. Here's why:

1. I'm afraid of rejection
Really. What scares you more than apologizing and get rejected immediately? The rejection itself is very frightening. But some people even have a big enough ego to get angry at the rejection, and not feel bad about it at all. (The power of ego )

2. What happens after the rejection
When we apologize for our faults, it's because : First, you feel bad about it, you might have hurt the other person's feelings. Why do you care? Because you don't only care about the person, but you also care about the relationship that you have. Whether it's your friends, bf/gf, family, boss, and etc. If the apology wasn't accepted, the most potential thing that could happen next is your relationship, being ruined.

But what if "your" fault.. is not yours?

No, don't react directly by pointing your finger towards either the one who accused you or the one whom you think deserves the blame, and yell at them.

You have to admit that sometimes, it just doesn't work.

Look at the situation, is it worth it? Are you losing your job because of it? If it is, you might as well fight for it. But when it's now only about you, and your big fat ego,  I'm suggesting you to think twice, or thrice, before you react.

Here are a few situations for you to consider.

1.  You're "sure"(i mean, not so sure) that you weren't the last person who used your mom's hair dryer. But now it's broken. The fact that your sister used to play around with it makes you want to blame her instead of admitting that it was probably your fault.

2. You are very sure that you put your stuff on the dining table, but now it's gone. Your mom's blaming your carelessness and bad habit of putting your stuff everywhere. You do know that your mom also has this bad habit of collecting random stuff she finds at home, automatically put them in her room/ her closet, and forget about it. Then when you try to search for your stuff. Voila! It's in your mom's closet.

How would you react to those situations?

When I was younger, I'd most likely blame someone else, not me. I'd try my best to get out of trouble or at least fulfill me ego with the "innocent" status. I'd debate, yell, and argue for that "Okay it's not your fault" thing.

Now, as I'm growing up, like I have mentioned before, it doesn't always work. I will not always get my "Innocent" status or feel relieved after I prove myself to be right.

Instead, I look at the situations like those above and consider whether it's worth fighting for or if I should just give in and take the responsibility.

So, here's what I apply.

First, if I'm not really sure that I'm 100% correct and innocent, either because I don't completely remember or my conscience is telling me that I have this tiny bit of a mistake, I would at least not blame someone else and insist about it. (Got it? Because it's my fault, too)

Secondly, If my mom forgot that she was the one who took my stuff and stored it in her closet / her room because she didn't want me to lose them, was she really at fault? She did it for me anyway. It was annoying at first (because she blamed me for what she did, for me), but I started perceiving it differently, more into the positive side.

The point is, I think we don't have to always blame people for the mistakes they have done. Sometimes it's better to take the blame instead.

I know it sounds crazy,but really,

Life is not just about how right or wrong we are. It's also how we adapt to situations and nurture relationships.

What do I know about life, right? I just turned 21. But those are just my thoughts.
What do you think?

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Reading time: 1-3 minutes

Do you create a lot of assumptions every day?

I like to call an assumption as "spontaneous nature of judgment". As human beings, we like to anticipate the things before they happen. But the thing is, we know that it's not always gonna happen.

Assumptions never really come from in-depth research. You know what I'm saying?
Creating assumptions is probably one of the easiest thing to do. And probably you don't even realize when you're doing so.

But assumptions are not only about the upcoming events that could happen. Assumptions could also be about what others thinking and feeling towards anything. For some reasons, the "assumptions mode" would be easily switched on when it has something to do with yourself. Your so-called intuitions start wandering inside your mind, telling you to do this and do that. Then when it finally reaches your feelings, God knows what you're gonna do afterwards. Assumptions are SO strong that it urges you to do what it wants you to do, and feel what it wants you to feel.

Assumptions are dangerous, though.

Remember Romeo and Juliet? Now that's an easy example of how one terrible mistake could come from an assumption. 

Sometimes, good deeds or surprises come from correct assumptions though.
Still, we would never have perfectly correct assumptions in our life. 

One thing to keep in mind is, too much is never a good thing.

So don't rely too much on your assumptions, but don't stop assuming as well.

Be careful with your assumptions, buddy. It could do harm to you and those around you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kenapa reuni bukan ide yang bagus?

Reading time: 3-5 minutes

Let's begin the new year with old memories. 

Ya, rasanya di awal tahun 2014 ini saya menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak untuk bertemu kembali dengan teman-teman di masa sekolah. Dua minggu berturut-turut saya datang ke acara yang biasa kita sebut "reuni". 

Kalau anda yang membaca post ini mengenal saya dengan baik, pasti tidak akan heran kalau saya mengatakan bahwa kehadiran saya di pertemuan-pertemuan reuni ini sama sekali tidak direncanakan, alias spontan. Pada dua minggu terakhir saya menghadiri dua macam reuni. Yang pertama adalah reuni kecil berempat dengan teman-teman satu tim basket SMP saya, dan yang kedua adalah reuni SD.

"Apa? Reuni sekolah dasar? Nggak reuni taman kanak-kanak aja sekalian?"
Benar, anda nggak salah baca. Reuni sekolah dasar. 

Tetapi dua reuni yang saya hadiri ini esensinya sangat, sangat berbeda.

Reuni saya dengan teman-teman SMP saya diisi dengan kegiatan catching up, berhubung anggotanya semuanya perempuan, anda bisa bayangkan sendiri apa topik yang dibicarakan. Mulai dari kabar teman-teman SMP lainnya, kehidupan kuliah, kerja, dan tentunya, percintaan. It was a nice meet-up. Dan tentunya nyaman-nyaman saja. Sambil menikmati seporsi nasi putih hangat dan dua drumstick ayam di Chicken BonChon (tanpa bermaksud promosi atau apa, ayamnya memang enak sih), dengan lancar saya ngobrol bersama teman-teman saya yang sudah semakin cantik-cantik. Mengingat kebersamaan kami di saat bermain basket bersama, baru ingat seberapa lusuh dan gosong terbakar matahari kami berempat. Semacam anak layangan.

Nah, reuni semacam itu, sangat berbeda dengan reuni yang selanjutnya saya hadiri, yaitu reuni sekolah dasar.
Coba anda bayangkan, saya sudah sekitar 10 tahun tidak bertemu dengan orang-orang yang bersekolah di SD saya ini. Sebetulnya sebelumnya sudah ada 2 kali reuni SD yang diadakan, hanya saja waktu itu saya masih lugu dan tidak tahu jalan.
Reuni SD ini diinisiasikan oleh seorang teman SD saya yang juga merupakan teman SMA saya, jadi bisa dibilang cukup mudah untuk bertanya soal reuni tersebut. Begitu melihat undangan untuk menghadiri event di Facebook, langsung saya pikiran saya dipenuhi dengan memori dan kenangan di masa SD.

Blur dan remang-remang, ya kan? I mean, memangnya memori berkesan apa sih yang bisa diingat waktu zaman-zaman SD? Buat saya sih, SD berlalu sedemikian cepatnya sampai saya nggak terlalu ingat apa hal-hal menarik yang terjadi.

Tapi saya penasaran sih, ingin melihat apakah orang-orang ini sudah berubah atau belum penampilannya. Apakah ada yang saya tidak ingat? Apakah ada yang masih ingat saya? Seketika hal yang paling saya takutkan adalah : merasa canggung saat reuni. 

"Gimana kalau ga ada yang inget gw?" 
"Gimana kalau ga ada yang tertarik ngobrol sama gw?"

dan seterusnya.

Setelah mengumpulkan segenap hasrat ingin bertemu dan bertegur sapa setelah sekian lama, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menghubungi sang bandar (maksudnya yang mengadakan acara reuni tersebut) dan mengatakan "Yes, I'm in!".

Guess what? I had a really great time.
Ternyata banyak hal yang saya sudah lupa, dan saya bisa ingat lagi berkat memori teman-teman saya dijadikan satu. Menertawakan hal-hal konyol seperti "Eh, waktu itu lu punya geng namanya Fenomena kan ya?" atau "Eh iya ya waktu itu kan si A mau nembak si B terus mereka kejar-kejaran dari lantai satu sampe lantai dua" atau "Ya ampun iya waktu itu gue ngerobek seragamnya si C karena main polisi-maling" dan "Hahaha ternyata lu masih aja suka nyisirin poni!", sangat seru.

Nggak nyesel, mau menyempatkan waktu untuk duduk sejenak bareng teman-teman yang mungkin saat SD dulu nggak terlalu dekat, but we do have the same memories. Di benak saya, "Hmm, lain kali reuninya harus lebih rame.".

Tapi, seperti judul yang saya buat di atas, ada hal-hal yang menjadikan reuni bukan ide yang bagus.

1. Tidak punya uang.

Jelas, reuni butuh uang, paling nggak untuk beli minuman. Kalau anda sedang ingin berhemat dan menurut anda reuni itu bahkan worthnya tidak setara dengan segelas es teh manis, reunion is not a good idea.

2. Dibenci semua orang.

Sebuah reuni pastinya mengingat kenangan di masa lalu. Tapi kalau di masa lalu yang anda lakukan adalah menambah musuh, bukan menambah teman, ada dua pilihan hal yang bisa anda lakukan. Yang pertama adalah mohon maaf lahir batin di acara reuni tersebut. Yang kedua, mungkin bisa pass aja reuninya.

3. Ada mantan yang tidak mau anda temui.

Nah, kalau tidak mau reuni anda rusak karena ke-awkward-an yang terjadi, sebenarnya sih bisa saja anda memilih untuk ngobrol dengan teman-teman tertentu saja. Tapi ingat, hampir pasti hukumnya, paling tidak ada satu saja teman anda yang bilang "Eh dulu kan lu pacaran sama dia ya ha ha ha ha". Terus rame deh. Jreng jeng.

4. Tidak ada yang kenal atau ingat anda

Asik tidaknya reuni tidak cuma tergantung seberapa awareness anda terhadap eksistensi anda sendiri, tapi juga awareness orang lain terhadap anda. Kalau anda merasa ingat semua teman-teman anda, jangan senang dulu. Sebaiknya hal tersebut berlaku sebaliknya.

5. Anda tidak suka keramaian

Kalau sebelum anda datang ke reuni yang anda lakukan adalah berdoa supaya reuninya tidak ada yang datang, sepertinya reuni bukan pilihan yang tepat bagi anda. Mutlak hukumnya.

Jadi, karena sebab-sebab di ataslah kenapa menurut saya tidak selamanya reuni merupakan ide yang baik.
Pikir dulu sebelum datang ke reuni ya, readers.


Hidup berjalan terasa cepat sekali. Sepertinya baru kemarin saya mengikuti masa orientasi sekolah SMA. Sepertinya baru kemarin saya mengikuti orientasi mahasiswa baru. Sepertinya baru kemarin .... ah sudahlah.
Saya dulu bukan siapa-siapa, dan mungkin sekarang saya juga belum jadi siapa-siapa. Tapi saya belajar, saya gagal, saya sukses, saya jatuh cinta, saya patah hati, saya bertemu teman-teman terbaik di saat terburuk, dan saya juga pernah kehilangan yang saya percaya.

Tapi di tengah-tengah waktu yang sedang berlari cepat ini lah,
Saya jadi sadar, tidak ada yang abadi di dunia ini.

Saat saya bertemu anda, mungkin kita bisa berteman.

Bisa berteman baik, berteman biasa saja, atau sekedar bertemu di tengah rutinitas yang hiruk pikuk.
Mungkin arti saya sedikit untuk anda, mungkin arti anda banyak untuk saya.
Mungkin anda keluarga saya, teman baik saya, kenalan saya, orang yang saya hormati, orang yang kebetulan duduk di depan saya saat saya menggunakan kendaraan umum, orang yang berdiri di samping saya saat saya naik bis. Anda bisa jadi siapa saja.

Setiap saya sadar keberadaan anda, dan anda sadar keberadaan saya, terjadilah hal yang saya sebut momen.

Momen yang tidak akan terulang lagi. Tidak pada waktu, tempat, dan situasi yang sama. 
Kalau pun terdapat momen selanjutnya, yang menghubungkan saya dan anda, bisa jadi hanya tempatnya yang sama. Bagaimana dengan situasi yang sama? Mungkin tidak. Mungkin ya. Tapi waktu, tempat, dan situasi, tidak lagi bisa berjalan berdampingan. Mereka bertiga hanya bisa berjalan bersama, sekali saja.

Tidak ada yang tahu berapa banyak momen yang akan saya punya dengan anda. Ya, anda, anda, anda... semua dari anda. Jumlah momen tersebut sifatnya rahasia, entah berapa banyak momen yang tersisa, setiap satu demi satu momen terjadi.

Memikirkannya saja, terkadang membuat saya berpikir bahwa ini tidak adil.
Andai saya bisa menentukan jumlah momen yang saya punya.
Apakah anda juga berpikir demikian?

Cherish every moment with your loved ones. You don't have forever.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Do All Kinds of Small Stuff Matter?

Reading time: 3-5 minutes

It was raining for the whole day, and if I wanted to just snuggle with my pillows all day like I usually do, I could have done it. But I didn't, and I learned quite a few things. Here's my random rant about it.

One of my best buddies is having his birthday today, and he invited me to have lunch together, also with the other good friends of mine. The weather sucks thesedays, so much that it rains almost everyday. I was home, and my house is quite far from where we wanted to eat.
My friend told me not to push it, because he also thought that it would take more effort just to arrive there.

Feeling more energetic and less lazy than usual, i took a bus. On my trip to the bus stop, it was raining heavily and I didn't bring my umbrella. So the rain got me wet and cold. I decided not to sweat it, rainy days are just rainy days, i would have turned a rainy day into a sucky day if i started complaining, i thought.

Having arrived too early, it was 2 hours earlier than the time that we agreed on. We were planning to meet at 2 pm, and it was still 12 pm. I forgot to have any breakfast, so i walked to JCo Donuts and ordered a cronuts, probably meant to be the cousin of donut. And so I enjoyed the cronut with a glass of hot chocolate (medium size, because the J.Co lady only offered me to choose medium or large while they actually have the small sized drink. Smart girl). It was quite an expensive breakfast, and usually I would complain about it. But the cronut tasted great. Once again, my day was saved.

Still waiting for my friends, I walked to the book store. For me, a book store is the only place where you can feel least guilty when you're not buying anything. Just my personal choice for waiting or wasting time. Reading books would never be a waste of time, wouldn't it?

Waiting and waiting. It was 2.30 pm already and my friends hadn't showed up. I was not hungry because the cronuts filled me up, but for some reasons i kinda wanted to not tolerate this lateness. Then i stopped to think. Why should I be upset? I've been here for 2,5 hours,and they've only been late for half an hour. It's probably my fault for arriving here way too early anyway. So, I waited for another half an hour and my friends finally showed up. We ended up having a late lunch in a sushi restaurant. Fyi, sushi is one of my favourite food. My day, once again, was saved, because I chose not to react directly to what was potentially ruining my mood.

I had to go straight back home after the get-together, and tomorrow I need to go back to my boarding house, so I left earlier. It was 5 PM and still, it was raining heavily. As I have mentioned before, i didn't have my umbrella with me, so I was quite soaked while waiting for the bus to come. I thought, hey, I did have a great time, why complain? Suddenly I realized that a quite good looking foreigner was also waiting for a bus. Quite a view. The waiting suddenly didn't feel like it took as long as it actually was.
Then the bus came, and in silence I thanked the guy for saving my day.

In the bus running through the heavy rain, I realized that my phone's battery had only 4% power left. Usually, I kill time by listening to music. But I couldn't count on it at that time. The bus musicians (what's the english word for 'pengamen'?)came and I prayed, this better be good.
What happened next is my jaw dropping. The guy was so good at singing and his choice of songs were just perfect. I was observing this man while he was singing. He really enjoyed singing every single song and gave his all to them. Oh, irony. I remembered watching those so-called singers on TV, becoming popular from doing lip-syncs live.

My mind wandered and then I realized how unlucky this guy is. I'm sure he knows well how singing from bus to bus wouldn't make a living, but he did it with all his heart. I immediately compared him to the street 'musicians' around my boarding house who don't even care about how they sound like, but still ask for money and get mad if they don't get it. But what made me stunned and amazed (i know it sounds a bit too much, but it's true) is how he passionately sang. It's almost like he could relate to every single song. It wouldn't give him much, but he sang beautifully and with his whole heart.

My heart probably smiled that time. I get it. So that's how it looks like when someone does what he/she loves. I felt overwhelmed with what I saw. Now, I'm excited to know how it feels like if it's ME who does it. Doing what I love, loving what I do. That, is what I'm gonna do.

Always remember that small stuff does matter, but don't always sweat over the small stuff.

There are so many small things that could have ruined my whole day, but I decided not to let them.
There are so many big things that I thought would make me the happiest person on earth, but sometimes happiness comes from small stuff I don't usually bother to look at. Like doing what you love.

And don't forget, all these understandings came to me only because I chose not to snuggle with my bed on a lazy Sunday, like I usually do.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dua Puluh Satu

Reading time: 3-5 minutes

Bukan, maksud tulisan kali ini bukan untuk membahas bioskop yang memang identik sekali dengan nomor 21. Saya memang suka nonton film di bioskop, tapi saya rasa bukan saatnya saya menceritakan film-film layar lebar yang saya sukai.

Angka dua puluh satu bisa banyak maknanya. Tapi kali ini, saya memilih untuk membahas angka dua puluh satu yang paling dekat dengan kehidupan saya tepat hari ini. Usia saya yang baru saja bertambah!

Penting? Sebenarnya saya pikir awalnya nggak penting-penting amat sih. Toh setiap tahun juga semua orang mengalami hal yang sama, tentunya di tanggal-tanggal spesial mereka masing-masing.

Apa karena usia yang kedua puluh satu yang membuat hal tersebut jadi spesial? Well karena saya perempuan, sepertinya tidak perlu seheboh anak laki-laki yang biasanya merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-21. Benar sih ini usia legal, dan artinya saya sudah boleh minum-minuman beralkohol. Tapi saya sudah pernah sih minum yang beralkohol, walaupun hanya 5% kadar alkoholnya.

Ngomong-ngomong, di usia saya yang ke-21 ini (oke, dan saya mulai merasa tua hanya dengan mengetik kalimat tersebut) saya jadi sadar beberapa hal. Saya nggak tahu apakah pembaca sekalian juga merasakan hal yang sama, jadi kalau ada komentar monggo dituliskan atau disampaikan langsung ke saya ya :)

"Tua itu pasti, dewasa itu pilihan"

Klise ya? Setiap saya mendengar atau membaca kata-kata di atas memang komentar saya kurang lebih "Ya iyalah jelas" atau "Ya ya ya udah tau". Tapi setelah menyongsong usia yang lebih lanjut (kemudian saya terdengar seperti seorang lansia), terutama karena perkuliahan sudah mau habis, melihat orang tua yang sudah tidak semuda dulu lagi, dan menyadari bahwa sebentar lagi saya akan mendapatkan tanggung jawab penuh atas diri saya sendiri, makna kalimat di atas menjadi pendorong supaya saya bisa jadi lebih dewasa lagi dalam menjalani hidup.

Belajar Bersyukur

Entah kemasukan apa, tahun ini saya menyadari banyak hal yang harusnya setiap tahun, nggak, setiap hari, harus saya syukuri di dalam kehidupan saya. Tahun ini saya sangat bersyukur untuk kehadiran sebuah keluarga di sekitar saya, hal-hal yang sudah saya dapatkan selama 21 tahun, semua hal yang sudah saya lewati. Mungkin tahun-tahun lalu saya nggak terlalu memikirkan soal ini. Entah kenapa tahun ini saya merasa ingin lebih menghargai apa yang saya miliki.  (Semoga belum terlambat untuk bertobat)

Ucapan selamat yang semakin sedikit

Awalnya saya sedih sih, menyadari bahwa setiap tahun semakin sedikit orang yang mengucapkan selamat (atau paling tidak, tahu kalau saya berulang tahun di hari tersebut). Saya masih ingat deh waktu SMP atau SMA, hari ulang tahun itu hari yang paling repot untuk membalas satu persatu sms ucapan dari teman-teman sekelas. Kalau sekarang bisa jadi orang-orang yang saya kenal tahu saya berulang tahun karena kebetulan sedang online di Facebook (Tapi saya tetap berterima kasih karena sudah mau menghabiskan waktu menuliskan ucapan buat saya). 

Kemudian saya mencoba melihat mereka satu persatu. Ucapan yang tadi saya sebut "Cuma sedikit".
Mereka yang mengirimkan saya pesan singkat "Selamat ulang tahun ya Janet, semoga panjang umur, sehat dan sukses selalu".
Dia yang mau menelpon tepat jam 12 malam dan menyebutkan sendiri harapan-harapan positifnya untuk saya.
Dia yang repot-repot mengirimkan kado dan kartu berisi birthday wish untuk saya padahal tinggal kurang lebih 700 km dari tempat saya tinggal.
Atau pun mereka yang dengan kreatifnya mengedit foto-foto aib saya dan membubuhkan ucapan selamat ulang tahun.

Saya nggak mendapat sedikit. Saya mendapat banyak. Lebih dari banyak.
Bahagia itu sederhana ya. Sesederhana merasa punya arti lebih untuk orang-orang yang kita sayangi.

Mengambil kesimpulan dari beberapa hal-hal yang saya sadari di atas, ternyata tahun dua puluh satu saya mungkin bukan pesta mewah, ucapan selamat dan wishes dari ratusan orang, atau kado-kado menumpuk.

Tahun dua puluh satu ini waktunya saya menghargai semua hal-hal kecil yang sekilas terlihat sangat sepele, tapi mempunyai makna yang paling penting di antara semua hal yang ada.


Untuk semua

Obrolan-obrolan tanpa arah,

Tawa lepas,

Senyuman penuh arti,

Kata-kata penyemangat,

Nasihat dan teguran yang menguatkan,

Waktu yang berharga,

Bahu tempat bersandar,

Pelukan yang menenangkan,

Perhatian yang tidak terbagi,

Rasa percaya,

dan arti sebuah keberadaan.

Terima kasih.


© Janet Valentina
Maira Gall