Happy mother's day to all of moms all around the world!
I noticed how a lot of my friends posted their photos to declare their love to their moms. Such a sweet atmosphere today. What did I do on this year's mother's day? I went shopping with my mom and my younger sis after a long long while, and left my dad and younger bro at home. (No, they were actually shopping in a place separated with where we shopped).
So.. the holiday atmosphere was really there. I mean, holiday shopping atmosphere.
Still in the Mother's Day atmosphere,
instead of wondering what everyone was doing with their mom for the whole day, I was struck by a random question.
Why is Mother's day celebrated on different dates, all around the world?
December 22 is Indonesian's mother's day, while in another countries, they have their own Mother's day on different dates.
For example, in Norway, mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday of each year's February.
In Bulgaria, Mother's day is always celebrated on March 8, which is also International Women's day (hmm, that makes sense).
For countries like Australia, Japan, USA, Germany, and Netherlands (also several other countries) Mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.
Looking at all of the dates, Mother's days apparently range from February to December. Feeling like celebrating all those Mother's day? Then you can celebrate Mother's day almost every month.
The first modern Mother's Day term was used and celebrated back in 1908 when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in West Virginia, United States. She then started a campaign to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in United States.
The holiday was adopted by other countries and is now celebrated all around the world.
But what's with the various dates?
After my quick "research", I found an interesting fact. It turns out that each country has different perspective on Mother's day in their own country.
Some of the countries selected date based on historical significance, like Bolivia's Mother's Day which is the date of a battle in which Bolivian women participated. In some countries the date was changed to a date that was significant to the majority religion, such as Virgin Mary Day in Catholic countries. In some ex-communist countries they prefer to celebrate International Women's Day.
Conclusion: There are various origins of Mother's day, therefore Mother's Day are celebrated in various dates.
After reading all those historical stuff about Mother's Day, I was expecting to feel content with the findings. There are lots of interesting stories on the Mother's Day Celebration traditions, the origins and history of Mother's Day. You can google them all. I was not feeling content.
Then I remembered my mom, my super mom (I'm sure some of you can relate to "my super mom" phrase. Our moms can be so super and M.O.M could be an abbreviation of Mother.Of.Multitasking, too).
She has done tons of amazing things. She has raised me, and has taught me to become a better person, by showing me how to become so. Sure she makes mistakes, because she's a human being. But what she has given to me---blood, sweat, and tears, are what made me believe that I can never repay her, no matter how much gratitude and appreciation I want to give to her.
Then I remembered myself. How bad I was acting as a kid, how much of a rebel as a teenager, and finally, how ignorant I am as a daughter right now, how I still don't listen to her words sometimes, how I don't pick up her calls or never really tell her I love her back.
The puzzle pieces are now coming together for me. I finally have my own interpretation and how I can relate to the fact that Mother's Days are celebrated on different dates all across the world.
"Mother's day is supposed to be celebrated, everyday."
If I celebrate Mother's Day every year, while I haven't started to appreciate and thank my mom for everything that she has done for me everyday, does it really mean anything?
While we can, let's tell and show our moms how much we love them. Don't hesitate.

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